Legal language in family law cases can be confusing. In Part 1 of this series of definitions we describe what the legal meaning of an “overnight” means to the courts in Tulsa Oklahoma.
Latest Family Law Order Oklahoma Supreme Court
Oklahoma Supreme Court’s 2nd Order for Family Law Court
This Order applies to visitation and parenting time schedules for minor children, whether in divorce, separation, paternity or guardianship actions.
Specifically, custody and visitation time based on school scheduling shall not be affected by school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The original school schedule shall control in determining visitation, parenting time or physical custody.
In addition, custody or visitation orders may be modified by written agreement if allowed by the assigned judge, but will not be enforced unless filed.
Courts also are allowed to modify orders and should use remote access for modification hearings, if possible.
If you have any questions call Boeheim Freeman Law at 918-884-7791 or visit our website at
5 Biggest Divorce Mistakes
Not telling your attorney everything
There is nothing worse than being in the middle of a hearing and having your attorney surprised by something you should have told them. The skeletons in your closet will eventually come out. You might as well tell your attorney before it costs you in court.
Not being civil with your soon to be ex-spouse
Demonstrations of anger, outbursts of frustration, and just plain rudeness looks very bad to the judge. It makes you look like the crazy one. Not only is it an issue in court, but even in general it puts everything at risk. If your child sees it, they may tell someone, and then you are alienating your child. At the very least it could cost you credibility with the court. At the very worst, it could get you into court ordered therapy for your anger issues.
Not recognizing everything is recorded
With the permanency of emails, text messages, and social media everything has a shelf life of forever. Before you put something in writing or take a video, ask yourself, “Would I want the Judge seeing or hearing this just before ruling on the custody of my minor children?” Consider every interaction, with your soon to be ex-spouse, is being recorded.
Not taking alienation seriously enough
Yes, we get it. You are mad at your soon to be ex-spouse. That doesn’t mean you should talk about the court proceedings with the minor children. Don’t talk about the case. Also, don’t speak poorly of your child’s other parent in front of the minor children. There is no quicker way to loss visitation, or even custody than alienating the minor children with your words or your actions.
Not writing all agreements down
Verbal agreements, and even poor written agreements, allow the parties to blur the lines. This can lead to more time in court and more legal expenses. Whenever there is an agreement reached, 1) put it in writing, 2) cover all of the topics, 3) be very specific. Not effectively writing agreements down, and filing them with the court, increases your risk of further litigation ten fold.
Author: Ciera N. Freeman
Abusing Protective Orders
What is a protective order?
It is a civil order from a judge. Its purpose is to provide an extra level of protection to people who have been abused, harrassed, or stalked. It accomplishes this by creating a criminal penalty for a violation of the order. Normally protective orders state that the defendant may not contact the petitioner either in person, by text, phone, or social media;
Who Can Get a Protective Order?
In most cases, the petitioner must either be a family member, in a relationship, or had been in a relationship. There is an exception for people that are none of the above, but a police report must have been filed giving evidence of harassment or stalking.
What Happens If the Abuser Violates the Protective Order?
The violation of a protective order may result in the respondent’s arrest for violation of the protective order. The first time is a misdemeanor and further abuses of the protective order are punishable by a felony. This means jail, or possible prison time for anyone who ignores a protective order.
How are protective orders abused?
Far too many times, husbands or wives will use protective orders to cause their spouse problems and potentially give them an advantage in a divorce, paternity, or child custody case. Over and over again, unscrupulous attorneys and devious clients file protective orders on allegations that are completely false. Worse they insight and entrap the other party into arguments and possibly fights just so they can use this tool.
Horrible Outcome
The unintended consequences are not trivial. First, the more this tool is falsely used for manipulation of family cases, the more it becomes watered down for people who really needs it. Second, real violence can occur when someone pushes another person too far. Intentionally prodding and pushing someone into an argument or a fight to gain an unfair advantage in a family case can be like pouring gasoline on a fire. Finally, to often children are added to protective orders to manipulate child custody disputes.
How do you protect yourself?
First of all, don’t fall for it. Keep your cool and just walk away. If there are false claims, hire an attorney that specializes in protective orders, who can help uncover the truth and has no fear when it comes to putting on a hearing and cross examining the petitioner. A good litigation attorney can shine a light on the lies and uncover the truth.
Author: Ciera N. Freeman
Boeheim Freeman Law - 918-884-7791